
Dari Rakyat Untuk Rakyat

A fantastic collection of progressive songs for Malaysia from singer-songwriter Meor Azziddin.

Our neighbours in Indonesia and Philipines have long had progressive songs to sing to and reflect the aspirations of the people. We Malaysians have few if any. ‘Dari Rakyat Untuk Rakyat is an initiative to embody the progressive voice of the people into songs.

Written by individuals from civil society and put into song by singer-songwriter Meor, DRUR reflects real issues and expresses aspirations of a politically awakened Malaysia; from human rights lawyer Amer Hamzah’s song on ISA, activist/blogger Amin Iskandar’s lyrics on the Memali Massacre, Rahmat Harun’s poem on Shamsiah Fakeh, lyrics by Hishamudin Rais’ and notable poet PyanHabib, to Meor’s ‘Sampai Bila’ reflecting Malaysia’s longing for democracy and justice.

Songs from this CD are also featured and used in this year’s FreedomFilmFest2009’s winning films, Kayuh and Al Fatehah Memali. You can also buy this album at the Fredomfilmfest Screenings at RM20. Or make your bulk orders from Meor at OR Black at

Do visit Cakap Rakyat’s site for more information HERE.

PS: These songs are especially useful during candle-light vigils ;)