

The opening of the FreedomFilmFest2009 last Friday managed to spark an intense discussion about various issues affecting women during the Q&A session. Officiated by Dr. Thomas Knirsch from Konrad Adenaur Foundation and the winners of FFF2009, the festival was kicked off by the screening of AT STAKE to a full house that night.

When the organisers were asked why AT STAKE was selected as an opening film for the 3-day festival, Anna Har, Director of KOMAS stated that the film set the standard for which she hopes human rights documentary filmmakers would aspire to, and that it was also apt in portraying issues Malaysians should know about.

AT STAKE, is an anthology of four documentaries touching on various issues affecting women in Indonesia and considered to be highly taboo. Although the film is primarily based on individuals in Indonesia, it still cuts across culture whereby women in Malaysia can relate to them one way or the other.

This rings true based on the response of the audience throughout the Q&A session and the response the organizers have received from them after the launch was over. Producer Nia Dinata, as well as one of the directors of the four anthologies Ucu Agustin was present during the screening.

Although the discussion was mostly dominated by questions from an eager audience wanting to know more about the issues portrayed in the films, Nia Dinata and Ucu Agustin also shared what they went through during the filmmaking process as well as how they went about to bring it to the public. Ucu, the director of the documentary Our Children’s Fund from the AT STAKE anthology, also shared her personal struggles in filmmaking her documentary.

FreedomFilmFest2009 would like to thank representatives from JAG (Joint Action Group for Gender Equality) for assisting the facilitators throughout the discussion.

Do catch the NEXT screening of AT STAKE in PENANG at Han Chiang College on Friday, 9th October 8 pm. For full schedule, please click HERE.